We gathered our things, left some stinky hike bags behind, and went to the Arusha Airport for a flight over the Serengeti.
We had to wait forever for our friends to grab a coffee from a store that clearly wasn’t used to making Lattes.
Either way, I got to fly co-pilot which was super awesome. After watching Africa from above, we landed and our crew was ready with Jeeps.

We still didn’t quite know what we were up to, but we soon figured out ‘Safari’ meant riding for miles on a bumpy road while keeping your eyes out for animals. But there were so many! Warthogs, Giraffe, Elephants, Zebras, some Hippos, and the coolest Leopard just hanging out in a tree. Every time we spotted one, we would all stop, grab our cameras, and just wait to see what they would do. After a full day we made it to Mapito Tented Camp for dinner, drinks, and shuteye.