Africa – Rest Day

The Mt. Meru Game Sanctuary was our home for a day and a half after the hike.  The rest of our Safari group arrived, and we were offered to go to an orphange, but the extra rest was needed.  I was offered first shower before Amy realized there was a limited amount of hot water.

It took all night to get more water, so our first ‘real’ dinner was alone for me and take out for Amy.  But the lodge had beer and internet, so we caught up with the world (HP had sold my company Exstream).  Monkeys were there to steal your food as the dining was mostly outside, but there were also Zebras, Crocodiles, Porcupines, and other animals around, plus a cool artist shop that we bought a metal Zebra from.  For dinner on Night two, we met our crew and Erf rejoined us for a good time.

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