The 12 hour flight to Africa was long but normal. Other than landing in Africa late at night and not knowing what to think, we were pleasantly surprised. A quick dinner at the Marangu Hotel and then to bed.

We woke up in Tanzania. After Breakfast and searching for Wifi, our guide, Peter, met us and said we were going for a walk. Our “walk” ended up being a hike to the gate of Kilimanjaro. We hiked through a village and saw the cutest little bananas. We then made it to a waterfall and back to the village. Lots of kids, lots of Political signs, and a busy time.

We found out when we got back that our “walk” was really a test to see if our guide thought we could make the summit – no wonder it was hard. We passed, so back to the hotel, where we went through the gear. Amy took a nap, and a quiet hotel dinner before we attack the mountain.